Would you like to sponsor our sled dogs?

1 month sponsorship 30€/dog; include one-time pictures and news of the dog and gets one free kennel visit for you and your family.

6 months sponsorship 180€/dog; includes pictures and news about the dog every month, you can visit your sponsor dog and 8km huskysafari for you and your family (max. 2 adults + kids)

1 year sponsorship 360€/dog; includes pictures and news about the dog every month, you can visit your sponsor dog and 15km huskysafari for you and your family (max. 2 adults + kids)

You can also get a huskysafari as a gift card if you wish and you can give it to someone else.

We are committed to use sponsorship to the basic needs of dogs, i.e. food, deworming and veterinary expenses. All prices include finnish VAT. 

Choose the dog/dogs from the photo gallery KUMMIKOIRAT and send email to info@backwoodshusky.com or use the form below.